Meet MoveHQ: Shannon Hausmann
Meet Shannon Hausmann, Technical Support at MoveHQ
Two personal fun facts about you?
I raise butterflies, I am practicing henna.
Your moving horror story?
Not a horror story - but I still have some pieces of furniture with their labels on them from moving a military move with family. No barcodes just the number, and our inventory and conditions were on paper that we could not even read!
Best piece of moving advice?
Organize your items.
The largest Items you’ve ever had to move?
I have an art design piece that stands from the floor all the way basically to my ceiling. It’s hard to move as the art can be damaged!
How many times have you moved in your life?
Four or so times, only twice across states.
You're about to move. What would you make sure to never do again?
I would make sure to protect my tv.
What's the best part about working on your particular team?
The relationship with my team, we are all great to work with and we communicate openly.
What advice would you have for someone considering making the move to MoveHQ?
Be a go getter!
What's your favorite MoveHQ feature, tool, or piece of technology?
HQ warehouse, I strongly understand the system and love playing out the different ways you can track a project!
How did you come to work at MoveHQ?
My mom’s lifelong best friend’s brother helped create windfall(HQ Warehouse) so I heard about it from that and about an open position.
A recent vacation.
My most favorite place in the world.
One of my hobbies!